Board of Commissioners

More than 30 years of experience in Financial Industry, specialized in the Insurance and Investment, both conventional and Syariah. Certified as Indonesian Insurance Expert Life sector (Ahli Asuransi Indonesia Jiwa/AAIJ) and Investment Manager Representative (Wakil Manager Investasi/WMI) of Indonesia. Previously, worked with Multinational Companies (Australian and Japanese) as Director position responsible in Finance & Accounting, Investment, Risk Management, Legal and Compliance. One of the PT Kredit Rating Indonesia founder.

Sammy Lalamentik spent much of his time as a Supervisor in the Capital Market sector from Bapepam to the Financial Services Authority (OJK). He is certified as a Level 2 Financial Services Sector Supervisor. For nearly 30 years he held various positions in the Capital Market sector, including at Corporate Finance Bureau, Accounting Standars Bureau and Directorate of Capital Market Professional & Supporting InstitutionsAfter retiring from OJK at the end of 2020, he served as Independent Commissioner at several Public Companies, Rating Agency and Securities Crowfunding Company.
Board of Directors

Graduated from Faculty of Economics University of Indonesia, Diana began her career as an audiitor at KAP Prasetyo Utomo. She has had a long experience at PT Pemeringkat Efek Indonesia (PEFINDO) as an analyst with latest grade Associate Director. During her work at PEFINDO she had joined several international training and workshop. She earned rating workshop from Rating Agency Malaysia (RAM), Standard and Poors University, New York, and several workshops held by Asian Credit Rating Agencies Association (ACRAA) and Asian Development Bank (ADB). She is one of the founder of KRI.

Previously hold position as an Executive Director at Sucor Sekuritas where he managed Institutional Equity. His rating agency exposure began when he was Associate Director of Fitch Ratings, covering Non Banks Financial Institutions in Southeast Asia. He has experience of more than a decade in the capital market, serving various roles in brokerage firms such as Danareksa Securities, Samuel Securities, and Ciptadana Securities. His commentaries and analysis have been quoted and aired by national and international media outlets. He is Chartered Financial Analysis (CFA) charter holder. He graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), majoring Industrial

Has been in the capital market industry for more 16 years, specializing in Investment Manager and Investment Advisor companies. Experienced and previously worked as Compliance Coordinator at PT. Surya Timur Alam Raya Asset Management. Has numerous experience and taken several trainings in the field of Compliance, Risk Management, Internal Audit and Anti-Money Laundering & Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML & CTF). Graduated from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Majoring in Geodetic Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning. He also earned Magister Management from STIE IPWIJA Jakarta, Majoring in Financial Management. Proudly joined KRI since 29 February 2024 as Compliance and Risk Management Director.